I'm the type of person who decides to do something and then obsessively gathers as much information about it as possible. This is due in part to me needing to be completely prepared for any obstacles I may face before I reach them and partly to me getting very excited about my new endeavor and needing an outlet until I can actually do whatever it is my brain has thought up in a middle-of-the-night-lightbulb-moment.
My most recent endeavor obsession came to me on one of these sleepless nights that happen quite often when infants and toddlers rule your house and life. I was nursing my baby at around 3am, trying to figure out how I will ever be able to go back to school now that I am a stay-at-home mom of two, and what kind of career I could possibly have that will be flexible enough for me to put my family first without getting fired. My plan before I became pregnant with Christian was to go back to school for either Nursing or some sort of healthcare career. My priority has since changed to staying at home with my children until they are in school and enjoying this brief childhood as long as possible. Long story short, it came to me that teaching would be perfect for me. I love children, I care immensely about their education, and I would have roughly the same schedule as my own children once they begin school. I'd heard about Western Governors University and checked out their website once before. I knew they had a reputable Education program. There it was. That lightbulb lit up. Now nothing could keep me from being up the rest of the night scouring the internet for every nugget of information I could gather about WGU and their Elementary Education program.
The roadblock I hit was when I tried to find blogs written by WGU students. I wanted to hear some real life experiences from others like me and what I found was less than inspiring. While I did find a few blogs like this, most were outdated and contained no more than 10 or so posts before being abandoned altogether. What I gathered from these, though, was that they did all seem happy with their education and experience at WGU. This was enough to make me take the leap and apply to their Bachelor of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies (K-8) program.
This is why I've decided to write my own blog of my accomplishments and trials with WGU. Hopefully it will help other obsessive researchers decide whether WGU is the school for them. I also hope it will help me hold myself accountable throughout my studies.
The journey begins. Let's see where this road leads...
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