Friday, September 6, 2013

How To Be The Ultimate Taskstream Stalker

If you are a WGU student and you've had a performance assessment based class, odds are you are guilty of what we call Taskstream Stalking.  For those of you who don't know, Taskstream is where we send our papers and various tasks in for grading.  It can take up to 5 days for your task to be graded and those days of waiting and hoping can be tough.  Stalking becomes a solice.  

But did you know that you can have Taskstream come to you?  Instead of wasting all that time signing in and checking your status, you can set up text notification that will let you know the moment your grade is up!  I know...

So here is how to set it up...
From your WGU email account, click on the gear symbol in the upper right corner and select settings.

Click on the tab that reads "forwarding and pop/imap"

Click on "Add a forwarding address"

Type in your phone number followed by the appropriate ending below:


Click next

click on the "create a filter" link

In the "From" field, type ""

In the "To" field, type your wgu email address 

Click to next step

Click "Forward it" and then click "create a filter"

Now you'll have Taskstream all over you.  No restraining order necessary.